Friday, October 23, 2009

Speechless = ="

My initial glee was totally devastated and my drowsiness immediately faded when I heard the words come out from one of my teachers' mouth - "Some teachers complain about your attitude".

Whoa! What's wrong with my attitude? Have any of my words offended my teachers? Teacher's question was the explanation of everything:"Do you seldom greet teachers whenever you meet them?"

Well, to tell the sooth, I admit that I don't greet ALL teachers, but I generally will greet my subject teachers. Furthermore, definitely not ALL students greet ALL teachers passing by. Imagine you have to stop your conversation with your friends and say "Good morning teacher!" once a teacher walks past all the way you are proceeding to anywhere!

Two of my friends heard what I heard as well, and they, too, feel strange about the teachers' exclamation towards me. They also do the same thing as I do, which is, greeting the teachers we know well. However, I'm the only one who is accused for my somewhat "discourtesy"! Even if I don't greet the coming teachers, I have never shown any disrespectful expressions. Then WHY ON EARTH do I receive such accusation?

The teacher telling me the whole thing, however, made me a little relieved as he told me he knows my personality well and he just kept quiet whenever he heard other teachers mention my "rudeness". He merely asked me to pay a little attention to my attitude. According to my teacher, the teachers claimed that I'm academically well but not for attitude. An undescribable feelings surged into my heart upon hearing such words. I always talk politely to teachers and never rebel them although I insist my opinions. I don't like to hurt people and I don't like people feel that they are offended by my words. Yet everything seems to turn upside down. The feelings is nothing different from that when you make every endeavour in studying with the hope to score satisfying results, but the outcome tells you that your effort is not paid off. It's also nothing different from the feelings when you are persistenly working hard to reach your goal, but your achievements are not acknowledged. They are all equally the same, leading to disenchantment. I'm said to have undesirable attitude just for not greeting ALL teachers!

Supposingly I should have not taken it too seriously, but for no reason I seem to care and mind about it. Am I really that impolite and is it that urgent for me to change my attitude? I don't know. It's tired having to change yourself merely to suit others' demands. I should have got used to it for I have been accused by friends or even those I don't know since I was in primary school for no reasons. "Proud, vain,..." these are the familiar words used to describe me. Oh dear...I'm speechless.

Friday, October 16, 2009


It was around 11pm. I was reading a Chinese philosophical and psychological book when, all of a sudden, a sentence ran across my mind. At the juncture, all sorts of emotions and feelings gushed through my veins into my heart, enabling me to complete a short passage(or poem) with the sentence as the beginning. Anyway, I didn't have the slightest inkling of what I was writing at that moment — my brain was totally blank. It sounds ridiculous huh?? Have a look of this "theme-less" passage:

这种感觉 又涌上心头!
它终究又缠绕我的心情 我的思绪

就越深陷其中 无法自拔

幻想的虚拟世界当中 是何等欢腾
而虚幻的世界 也是何等短暂

根本没有什么 也没有为什么?
是真实的 还是虚假的?
任何公式 都无法解决

得到暂时的慰藉 暂时的解脱

梦醒后 赤裸裸摊在眼前的
方才解脱 又得承受

夜阑人静 周遭静谧
萦绕我耳边的 仅是杨丞琳的 《带我走》
是的 带我走!
走到虚拟世界寻觅欢乐时光 自我陶醉(自我灌醉)


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lots of Fun!

Today, or to be more accurate, yesterday, was such a great day to me. This is the first time I have an outing spree with my new classmates. In the afternoon I went to Crystal's house for her birthday(she celebrates her bdy with us 1 day earlier).Then at night I went to Fairuz's house for Hari Raya open house...Feel tired after 2 consecutive parties!

I reached Crystal's house at 12++pm. At first I thought I've gone to the wrong house cz it was damn quiet at the compound of the house! If there's a party, even in the house, sounds could be heard at the gate. But the atmosphere was so quiet until I dared not to press the doorbell.Haha...After entering the house, I was told that Crystal was out and only 3 girls had arrived. So I sat down and watched tv...When most of us had arrived, I found that I had nothing much to talk with them. Perhaps their topics don't suit me? I started to find a little boring. Luckily when having our lunch, I started to involve in their conversations and after that, my boredom reduced. Then, they "chiong k" in living room. I seldom sing in front of my friends, so initially I refused. But they kept asking me to sing. So I breathed deeply, gathered my guts and "switched on" my vocal box. Luckily I din sing too terribly...haha...

We did play a few games later. I found myself not so awkward gradually and my real innerself emerged. We played crazily, shrieked harshly with all our might. According to Crystal's mum, this is actually the way we distress after PP2.Haha...we somehow agree. So crazily and wholeheartedly we played until the time to go home. Some were preparing for Fairuz's open house at night but some weren't.

My dad and sis were attending a dinner at 7pm, so I had to proceed to Fairuz's house much earlier(well, it started at 7.30pm). I arrived before 7pm. From a distance, I saw 3 guys standing at the compound and instantly I wished they are my classmates. Gladly, they are! Phew! I wasnt alone~ We were the earliest to arrive and Fairuz exclaimed that she hadn't put up her tudung when the boys arrived! We went around her house to have a look. Wow, it's wide and the design of the house is a far cry from ordinary houses. That's probably the affection of Islam and Malay culture, I suppose. There are a variety of fruit trees in the compound. Those are all the products of Fairuz's dad's hard work. There are nangka trees, mango trees, coconut trees and even grape trees! It's indeed convenient for them to have adequate amount of fruits daily and they can have different types of fruits each day! That's the benefit of planting yourself, besides reducing expenditure and ensuring your health. The mosque can be seen at the back of her house. She showed us the path which leads to the mosque within minutes so they can procced to the mosque easily.

I had even much to talk at night(and I'm glad for it since I'm not that talkactive in usual days). After having dinner, we sat in a circle and had countless conversations. Cheryl's extreme reactions were the additional entertainment for us. Haha... Once after taking photo, we found three small Malay kids sitting on our chairs. We were already fed up with them since they kept pointing at us when we were taking photo. Then when we took our seats again and continued our conversations, they kept saying "dirty" words. In fact, they were scolding us for nothing! So we kept "backstabbing" (not "back-" actually since we talked in front of them) them, but of course without using such uncivilised words. we just accused their stupidity and rudeness. Loo even played the songs in his hp at full blast to cover up their raucous and ear-piercing voices. They thought it's pleasuring or stylish or whatsoever doing so in front of us who are elder. After minutes of MUMBLING, they finally surrendered and left. Wakaka...I immediately clapped my hands loudly! XD

Thanks to Fairuz's mum for giving me a pack of fruits, and sorry to keep them waiting since I was the last one to leave...All in all, it was an enjoyable day which had built up a close relationship between 4S1 members.'s so late now! Have to go to bed!! Yawn~~

Tuesday, August 25, 2009



今早睡到差不多十点才起床,对我而言已是日上三竿了。一起床,第一个念头是:我得开始发奋了!因此,梳洗完毕,随便啃了几块巧克力饼干当作早餐,再翻阅时尚杂志,我便坐在书桌前,开始冲刺。从华语文言文,到Add Maths,我都无法完完全全聚精会神。脑海不断涌现的是前几天辩论零零碎碎的片段。既回忆,又自责。终于,当Add Maths习题做到接近尾声时,我先前勤奋的右手停止了机械般的动作。我实在按捺不住了,马上轻轻推了房门,放下铅笔,双手捂住脸庞,全身抽搐+颤动......







Monday, August 24, 2009






死期终于到了。上场前,我再次让队友听听先前在国会式辩论中所录下的XXX(她可谓中学的辩论高手,名声响当当)“高亢”的嗓子,好让队友对她的声音免疫,不因为她独特的声音而在比赛时吓坏了。之后,战战兢兢的步入赛场。突然惊觉赛场的风扇停止操作,队友便互相询问是否停电。XXX就在我们前面,她马上以她的台面语 + 标准的华文腔,精简地回答:“是!是!停电了!”我立即愣住了,心里还想:难道她平时谈天都是这样的吗? (与她交谈后,才知道不是!)
自由辩环节中,明显的我方的气势稍微逊色了一些。但,他们绝大部分的论点都在我们的预料之内。而我突然有点愈战愈勇的表现,声音比平时洪亮了一些,而当场的结辩,却出乎预料地比上一场更为杰出。当主持人宣布我们为胜方时,我们不由自主地呆住了。我们竟然赢了丹南中华?!!队友们都显出一时的兴奋,但,我却不感到兴奋。也许是因为我的自我评价不足的惯性,我并不觉得胜得很高兴。我知道,当中的因素除了准备充足,更大因素是幸运之神的守护,只因我们的立场对我们有利一些。若我们的立场对换,我相信我们早已被干掉了。而不会有兴奋感觉的原因,是因为第二题的准备超级不足!幸亏主辩稿已写好了,要不然我会当场放声大哭 XP 等巴士时,很荣幸的我们能与丹中队员合照。他们并没因输掉了比赛而显得沮丧,令我佩服他们的精神。

当晚,我们到Hotel Juta享用丰盛的晚餐。但,我却无心用餐。队员们在高谈阔论之际,我脑海里不断浮现的尽是第二题的论点。老师也知道我们缺乏时间,因此,用完晚膳不久,我们匆匆赶回酒店,开始讨论(第二天早上就比赛了,前一天晚上还在讨论,显然没有准备好!)。直到晚上十一时,大家脑袋瓜开始出现停滞的状态,我才宣布暂停讨论,复习刚才讨论的东西。谁料到,我所谓的“暂停”,最后演变成了“停止”!大约凌晨一时,我们当中有些抵挡不住周公的召唤了,只好屈服,倒在床上。而当晚我们六位女生一同睡在两张双人床上!一睡,竟睡到了早上五点。我连忙叫醒队员们。大家也被时间吓醒了,起床后一点睡意都没有。我的结辩稿与总反驳呢,则相继在当天早上五点半和八点完成!









Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Answers of a "Test"

Sry for late answering the questions of the tag...I'm doing quite seriously now..Yea, QUITE.. XP

。。。。個 人 題 - 10 題。。。。
01 你叫什么: Fiona Fong Pui Wun
02 你的綽號:fiance, ang gu bak= =!!
03 你的血型:nt sure...perhaps B?(since both my parents' are B too)
04 你的星座:aries
05 你是男還是女:female
06 你幾歲:16
07 你住哪裡:on the earth of cz
08 你現在的學校 :SMK Lok Yuk
09 你有沒有手機 :yup
10 承上,那是多少:@.@ wat's tis question asking for?

朋 友 題 - 10 題。。。。
11 你最要好的朋友(限1個):no specific 1...
12 你最討厭的人(限1個):i dn hate other ppl, im jz fed up wf a few..

情 題 - 10 題。。。。
21 你有沒有喜歡的人:none
23 如果没有,你希望什麼時候有另一半: i cn oni answer tis question if im given d power to predict smethg
24 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過:none
25 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過:erm...1..i guessed ^^"
26 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友: none
27 你現在有另一半嗎: none
28 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣: of cz i'll tak it as a joke!
29 你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎 : i dn even hv 1..
30 你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人: refer to Q21..plz!
31 你和另一半牽手過嗎: refer to Q26
32 你和另一半抱或親過嗎: refer to Q26
33 你跟異性牽手過嗎: of cz la! for games n performances...
34 是誰,你們什麼關係:frens lo...
35 現在有人在追你嗎: including those chasing me frm behind? XD

。。。。混 合 題 - 10 題。。。。
36 如果有天,好朋友離你而去,你會怎樣:dn thk so negatively when ur best fren is stil beside u...
37 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你會:of cz sad n angry...o else??
38 如果有天,好朋友對你喜新厭舊了,你會:do d same thg as wat he/she does...勉强没有幸福
39 如果你很受不了你的父母,你會離家出走嗎:well, my parents wil nvr let me hv such feelings towards them..
40 你上課認真嗎 :stil ok..mstly vry concentrated since i dn hv tuition
41 你功課好不好:stil ok gua...
42 你开电腦都在幹麻:chatting, blogging, surfing net, watching movies or videos...
43 你的即时通有多少个同性: nope
44 你的即時通裡有多少個異性:nope

兇 手 題 - 10 題。。。。
45 傳給你這份問卷的人是誰:1.Chris 2.Oh...Hui Wen! XP
46 这個人對你好不好:1.depends on her mood lo(wa..sure wil b punched if i say lik tis!)bt better n better when she has bcme mature...hey,u bcme mature so slow la 2.ok...stil nt vry close wf her...
47 這個人是你的誰 sis 2.sis's fren as well!
48 你有喜歡過這個人嗎:hw do u define d word "like"?
49 你們認識多久了: 1.since i was born 2.a few yrs..
50 這個人是怎樣的人:1.she prones to acting childish sumtmes, bt i knw she actually has a lot in her mind 2.nice..most importantly, thin!(hope ur plan of gaining weight wil b a success)
51 這個人正/帥嗎:1. mum is unfair..she has passed down all the better genes of appearance to her... T_T 2.not bad...
52 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过:1.almost everyday,every second! 2.we did go out once together..=)
53 萬一你喜歡這個人,你會怎麼办:refer to Q48

。。。。 聯 想 題 - 10 題。。。。
56 說到正妹你會想到誰:吴佩慈、隋棠、钟嘉欣...all tall n slim gals
57 說到帥哥你會想到誰:hmm....duno....
58 說到憨你會想到誰:Karen Chin..haha
59 說到痴你會想到誰:sumtmes my sis...
60 說到暗戀你會想到誰:nope..
61 說到出去玩你會想到誰:family, frens..
62 說到聰明鬼你會想到誰:Ho Gen Nen, Tan Ying Fei
63 說到傻子你會想到誰: d "traffic police" in damai??
64 說到笑點低你會想到誰: Karen Chin
65 說到愛笑你會想到誰 : Karen Chin

學 校 題 - 11 題。。。。
66 你的班導是誰:Cikgu Debbie
67 你的座位是第幾排第幾個:1st row
68 你最喜歡的老師是誰:庄锦致老师
70 你的英文好嗎:considered moderate...i thk stil a lot to be improved
71 你的體育好嗎: nt so bad
72 你的数学好么:stil ok
73 你喜不喜歡你的校長:no comment
74 你的學校好看嗎:no comment
75 你的班級是: 4S1
76 你的班級在幾樓:1st floor

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Ghastly Accident

Yesterday morning was just like any other mornings. In fact, the road heading to the school was not too congested I thought I would be able to reach school earlier. Who knows...

I was indulged in my storybook when everything happened just in a blink of eye. Out of the blue, my dad pressed hard on the brake and I fell a little forward, to the right as well. I thought that would already take me long to recover my composure and tidy myself, but I was definitely WRONG since another incident took me even long to do so.

At the juncture, there was an intense strength crushed into the back part of my car. I felt myself fall down even more, as if I was falling down into a hole with depth of infinity. The whole world seemed to be shaking vigorously, and the ambiance seemed to turn dim. I felt that everything was thrown to the front, including myself. Meanwhile, a loud harsh sound came from the back. Obviously something was breaking into billions of pieces. I thought it was the back windscreen which shattered. Luckily it wasn't.

Within seconds the car stopped shaking and I got up slowly. My head and my back were painful after being hit for several times. In dizziness, I found my car was in chaos as everything was thrown forward and down. When I looked out of the car, my dad was already busy making phone calls and trying to resolve the problem. Then, he hurriedly rush over to see if I was ok. He even rubbed the part where I told him was painful. I was touched, frankly...

Dad told me I couldn't get to school since our car was severely damaged. I kept reassuring my dad it's ok to miss a few lessons. Moreover, I was suffering from nausea since my internal organs were seemingly disorientated and upside down. Almost every part of my body ached and I was persistently engulfed by giddiness. Anyway, I just went to school when yee kee's mum offered me and another boy (who was involved in the accident as well and also studied in lok yuk) a lift. Thanks for her willingness and kindness... She parked her car at the opposite side of the road and had to cross the congested road to lead us to her car. She was really really absolutely kind and helpful.

Well, the whole accident is as follows: actually there were 5 cars involved, not 4 as what people assume. A Myvi stopped abruptly and the CRV at the back stopped too, without causing any accident. But the Nissan behind the CRV failed to stop on time and it crushed a little into the CRV. That was just a minor accident. My car was just behind the Nissan. Realising the car in front was involved in an accident, my dad braked instantaneously, and was ready to strive his car to another lane. Who knows, the Prado at the back was so near to my car it couldn't stop on time and crushed directly into our car. I supposed the woman hadn't applied the brake when it started crushing, for the strength was like a few oxen running and crushing into a man. Luckily there was a tyre at the back of our car, otherwise I think my dad's and my lives would be at risk. So innocently we were also involved in the already existing accident.

I heaved a sigh of relief as no one was injured in the accident. My dad and I were still suffering from pain at several body parts. Hope we can rehabilitate in a short time. I'm still mad with the woman driving the Prado... God bless, hope she'll never be driving at our back again! I have a phobia when passing the area now...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Head-swivelling toughness leading to this post...




Debate is not merely a competition. It's about teamwork, about how every teammate cooperates with each other and is willing to sacrifice. The competition lasts for only half an hour, but you need to spend at least several tens hours to prepare for it. The process is, frankly, a hardship to encounter, moreover without others' help. Therefore, down the stage, debate is actually a test on your resilience, tenacity, determination, diligence as well as your willingness to sacrifice. Whilst on the stage, debate is a test on your steadiness, wit, confidence, technique as well as how you utilize your information and even your prior knowledge. The outcome of debate depends pretty much on the cooperation between teammates. If one of them is not cooperative, then I should say everything is over. I admit that the happiness at winning the competition is not usually commensurate with the worry and sacrifice leading to it. However, it's the worry and sacrifice which make you grow up, make you open your eyes and make you realise the saying "as you sow, so as you reap". If losing the competition, you should feel honoured and fortunate to be able to involve yourself in debate. At least you've gained a lot of knowledge which you couldn't find in any textbooks and most important, you've made new friends, haven't you?

I could tell that debate has made me grow up a lot, really. It makes me believe in myself that I could juggle my time between studying and practising. It makes me have the courage and confidence to speak in front of public. It makes me possess leadership. It makes me mature in thinking. It has brought about so many advantages to me. So if I am given the opportunity to continue be involved in debate, how could I let the chance go?

Monday, June 8, 2009




Saturday, June 6, 2009

Who's The Main Character? =.="


Yesterday I went out with my sis and her friends to 1 Borneo. Just before Ah Chua arrived at our house to give us a lift, I had a terrible stomachache and was wondering if I would be able to hang out with them or not. Fortunately it did not last for a long time and it went out just within minutes! Heaved a sigh of relief...

We went for dinner straight away as soon as we reached 1 Borneo. We had quite a sumptuous dinner at New York City. I shared a 9-inch-king-size Giant Yankee Chicken burger with my sis, Hui Wen and Karen. I couldn't believe my eyes when the waitress served the burger. Even a quarter of it is more than enough for a person! When I was about to take the burger, everyone started taking the french fries around the burger. I realised that I have quite a different habit with others, even with my own friends, which is having burger before having french fries. So I just followed them and took the french fries. It was as if no one dared to move the parts of burger out of its orderly arrangement until sis took one part for me. The meat kept dropping off from the bread though I tried my best to push it inside and inside, and finally I surrendered to the "obstinate" "hyperactive" chicken meat and just left the dropped-out pieces in my plate, enjoying the burger in my hands. Every mouthful of the burger was a new yet superb taste to me. While we had started savouring the burger, my sis was stil enjoying the french fries (without her awareness I supposed, since she always put french fries as her priority whenever there are french fries). That's why she claimed that she had already been full even though she hadn't even had a bite of her burger! She asked me to help her a little with her burger (hey, I almost finished my own part at that moment! I was already halfway full la!) Since nobody could lend her a "mouth", she had to force herself to finish it (some bread was still left on the plate at the end).

Mouth-watering Chicken Yankee Burger!

After dinner, we proceeded to walk around. Everywhere was seemed to be flooded by crowds, with the anticipation for Jolin. So we had to go upstairs by elevator. We decided to watch the show from upstairs (from a far far distance), but even the place there was such crowdy! We managed to get ourselves a not-very-nice place, which we had to move our heads and tiptoed to be slightly able to take a "peep" of the show. Long we stood, moving here and there, yet the main character still hadn't come into our sight. Sweat kept flowing from my head through my hair. FINALLY she came out with four dancers and started her performance. She sang and danced energetically, even my sis highly complimented her performance (well, she didn't talk much about Jolin before that).

After her performance, we continued walking around. Karen is really a veteran in those cosmetics and make up stuff. I had sought a few things I wanted quite desperately in Sasa. Wondering when I would be able to go there again and buy all those stuff I want...I even opened my eyes watching the two 'KKLS'(my sis's idea bcz she said all the students there except my sis's badge are of low qualities, with serious,horrible,terrible and vegetable psyco and mental problem!!hahaha!!and what I saw last night was really a fact and it proved that what my sis said was corrrect!^^") girls surreptitiously following my sis all the way up the escalator! Seemed like meeting with another Jolin huh?? I was wondering...Jolin should be signing her grand signatures on her albums, how come she emerged at the escalator at the same moment?Jolin, Christ'na,傻傻分不清楚? LOL Their acts were hilarious and extremely strange...

At around 10pm, we went for supper at Kolombong. I forced myself to have a dumpling..Haha.. Well, in a nutshell, it was trully fun to hang out with sis's friends. Funny and amusing topics will be popped out from their mouths from time to time and you'll never feel bored being with them. Thanks for letting me having an outing spree with you guys...=)


Today I went for lunch with my ex-classmates at Maple cafe. When I saw Adam, I was somehow scared by his appearance. Please, Adam, eat a bit more and don't scare others even in the morning! He's so skinny that I'd thought I saw a walking skeleton! LOL

I was late for about 45 minutes...Sorry to Vincent, Nelson, Denise and Gloria...Forgive me please...But I wasn't the latest one ^^ When I went through the menu, I found that almost every food and drinks have been more expensive. Oh man... I ordered my favourite avocado juice, but to my disappointment there was no more avocado. So instead I ordered papaya milk ( deliberately? XP). I wasn't that hungry, so I ordered garlic bread. "No garlic." What?! Why everything I ordered had run out of stock? Then I ordered mushroom soup. The waitress suddenly let out a raucous and somehow impatient "HUH?", making me almost doing the same thing. I thought I had pronounced the name wrongly or whatsoever, but I didn't. Finally realised that she didn't hear what I said clearly...but can't she ask again politely instead of "HUH?" and showing a scowling expression?

Having quite a period of time chatting with my friends...My happiness wasn't commensurate with my grieve afterwards when I realised that the ribbon of my right high-heeled-shoe fell off somewhere! It couldn't be seen along the stairs up to my house and I'm pretty sure it had been falled off in damai...Haiz..careless me. This is the second time the ribbon of my shoes fell off. But what to do? I've to utilize my creativity to redecorate my shoes...

Thursday, May 14, 2009










无可否认,学习固然是学生的职责,但以考试为核心的教育却孕育出不健康的学生一族。学习是为了充实自己,不是与他人比较,而学习也得依照个人的兴趣与能力,这样方能培育快乐的读书人,让学生不再视读书为苦差。(本篇纯属个人对读书之浅见 ^^ )

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Elated? Grieve?

My heartbeat increased gradually when my English teacher went into the class, with a pile of exam papers in her hands. Oh man! What would I score for English? I'm nt that confident with English as I think I don't have a good basic. I've known the result of paper 2 (comprehension) from Roger, still ok I think...yet I'm anxious to see how many marks I get for my essays. I could feel that my hands were trembling when I got the papers back from teacher! Immediately I calculated the actual mark. Wow! Exactly 80! That seems like a dream-come-true to me as I aim for A's in my exam! Furthermore, scoring A in English is not easy. I'm satisfied enough with my mark. I read a few essays of my friends who scored well. Theirs impressed me profoundly. Hmm...I know that I still need a lot of improvement. Guess I have to reduce the time to watch tv and increase the time to read books after the exam...

Just when I was in the ecstacy of joy, prefects began entering every class. "Students, please go out! There's a spot check now!" Reminiscing what I had put into my bag, I thought that I would be safe. Just then, Vennesa reminded me about the correction pen. Oh! I have totally forgotten that correction pen is not allowed in Lok Yuk! Anyway, I didn't have any time to put it somewhere else. So I just headed to the outside with the hope that luck would strike me today ( impossible la!). As what I had predicted, I had to bid farewell to my correction pen..Haiz..Why didn't I hide it somewhere instead of just leaving it in the pencil case? Still being a bit remorseful for my stupidity...

My Bio results quite let me down..I didn't score very well in Paper3. Well, another improvement required..Paper 2 hasn't been returned yet. In order to get A, I can just lose 15 marks out of 100 in paper2, but that's obviously impossible! So getting ready to face a B for Bio..

Feeling so drowsy now..don't even know what I'm writing about..guess I have to stop here and finish my account homework which will take me at least 2 hours.I'm lazed off by my lugubriousness these few days..Got to be resilient and proceed to my tasks again though exam is just over.By the way, thanks a lot to Karen jie jie(weird weird de^^) for helping me with my bloggy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Whole New Feeling

Hey guys! Eventually I've created a new blog of mine! Actually I've been thinking of creating a blog since donkey's years ago, but I just couldn't find the time to do so. Now exam is over, so I make up my mind to create a blog, letting out my feelings and sharing every single of my thoughts.

I just knew that I'm able to join the STTSS monitor training camp yesterday. How blissful I was upon thinking that I'm going to meet my friends there again! This year, I'll be participating with a different status for I'm no longer a STTSS student. I decided to transfer to Lok Yuk when I was in Junior 3 as it's more suitable for the future I desire. It's actually a difficult decision to make as it indicates that I'll have to leave my intimates, teachers and the environment I have been familiar with for 3 years. I missed everything so much initially that I was really moody at the beginning. Furthermore, obstructions will befall me as I need to adjust myself well in the new ambiance. I also have to be active and initiative to mix with new friends or else I'll be left alone. The first few weeks was akin to a nightmare to me as I felt so jittery in the new school. However, things changed after some time and even my characters changed. I talk more than I did before and I no longer suppress my feelings, especially for laughing(well, I always laugh hysterically in front of others!). Transferring is a great turning point in my life and it has taught me that there are things which are required to be put down in order to achieve another thing. I have also been trained to be tough in new environment and learn to be independent to cope with any problems and difficulties.

Today I went to Yayasan Tun Mustafa to watch the scholarship awarding ceremony with my classmates. I've never expected to bump into STTSS friends there. I was able to greet some of them and chattered a little with them. They seemed to be a little shocked to see me in my government school uniform. Well, I know that they just haven't get used of my new look, yet I have as I've been wearing it for almost half a year.

From tomorrow onwards, more exam papers will be returned and I've to get myself ready to face any possibilities that may appear in my results. Hope I'll be satisfied with it. Bless myself!